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Lesson Policies

What to expect from your lessons at Waterway Music and Education

Waterway Private Lessons Policies


  • The cost for private lessons is $115.00 per month. A “month” is defined as four lessons, over the duration of four weeks at the same time and day of the week. 

  • A $5.00 discount will be applied to transactions paid with cash.

  • Private lesson times are precisely 25 minutes each week to leave a 5 minute transition time between lessons (e.g. a lesson scheduled at 3pm will last from 3:00pm-3:25pm)

  • Payment is due on week one of the four week sessions each month. A $20.00 late payment fee will be applied if not paid on week one, and $20.00 for every week after that until payment is made. Payment must be made either in-store or by the Waterway Venmo account, “@waterwaymusicnc”

  • If payment is not made by the second lesson of the month, Waterway Music and Education reserves the right to offer your lesson time to a new student.  

  • All students will be required to pay for two months of lessons at their initial payment (e.g. September and October lessons will be paid for in advance). All subsequent payments will be for one month at a time, one month in advance (e.g. November lessons will be paid for at the beginning of October. There are no lessons in December, so January lessons will be paid for at the beginning of November). 

  • Students are expected to arrive on time for lessons and are expected to attend lessons every week. 

  • If the student must miss a lesson, he/she has the option to film a short video of the piece they are working on and send it to the Waterway teacher. The video must be sent before their regularly scheduled lesson time. The Waterway teacher will use the student’s regular lesson time to watch the video, film a reply video and send it back. No other makeup lessons will be offered. 

  • If the teacher must miss a lesson the students will be notified as soon as possible and a makeup will be scheduled for the earliest Saturday available. The Saturday chosen is up to the discretion of the teacher and will not be negotiated with the students. The student may take the time offered or forfeit the makeup lesson. 

  • If the student decides to discontinue lessons, he/she may use all of the lessons currently paid for, including the lessons paid one month in advance. The student will not be charged for any additional lessons at the beginning of the next month. No refunds will be offered; the student may use the paid lesson times or forfeit them. 

  • If students are dropped off by parents/guardians, they are expected to be picked up on time. A $10.00 late fee will be applied to any student who is picked up later than 15 minutes after their scheduled lesson ends (e.g. If the student’s lesson spot is from 3:00-3:25pm then a late fee will be applied at precisely 3:40pm). 

  • IMPORTANT! All announcements and reminders will be sent via email NOT by text! Be sure to provide a valid email address and add “” to your contacts and make VIP so you can be notified of new messages. Also if you are on Facebook, be sure to follow Waterway Music and Education and you will be added to the private group, “Waterway Students”. Announcements and info will be posted there as well.

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